A Mother Should Never....

A Mother Should Never....

When I started this page, I had the idea of writing an occasional blog to share the stories of the people, places and things that make up the Adirondacks. I haven't posted a blog since May when my husband was diagnosed with Blastomycosis. Now that he is healthy, I can resume my passion which is here.... with you.... at Life in the ADK.

My very first blog was on Louisa and Patricia. (You can read that here). It's about two extraordinary women who became fast friends through their love of art and the Adirondacks. Patricia and her family had been spending summers in Long Lake for over 20 years when they decided to move to the ADK permanently. 

It was almost 2 years after her move that Patricia confided to Louisa that she was in kidney failure due to chronic Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Like most of us, Louisa loved her friend and wanted to do whatever she could to help her. However, unlike most of us, she put action behind her love.

Knowing that Patricia’s kidney function had deteriorated to the point that she was on the waiting list for a match with a cadaver donor, Louisa started the process of getting tested.

Turns out Louisa was the perfect donor match for Patricia!!

To find a perfect organ donor match that is unrelated to you is a 1 in 100,000 shot. Now imagine finding that perfect donor match in a town the size of Long Lake?? It's a mind-blowing statistic!

So that brings me to last night.

Last night I learned that Louisa's son Uriah had been brutally murdered by a childhood friend near his home in Indiana. He was beaten.......... shot.......... and strangled. Let that soak in for a minute.

I consider myself to be tough as nails but the thought of getting a call to tell me that my child had been murdered brought me to tears immediately. I cannot fathom the pain a parent endures at the loss of a child. Just the thought of it brings me to my knees. A parent should never have to bury their child. 


When someone we love dies, we are left to pick up the pieces as best as we can. Some pieces get patched back into place while others are irrevocably broken. I feel those who've lost a child have more than their fair share of irrevocable broken pieces.

I never met Uriah so I didn’t know him personally, but I know Louisa. She's a fellow small business owner from a small Adirondack town. (She owns Incapahco Artisans across from Stewarts/behind Hoss's in Long Lake).

She is always kind, always willing to listen and share, always loving and always compassionate. Always. She is the type of person that would give you a kidney so that you could have a better life, without hesitation.

This is where you and I come in.

I realized last night that someone had started a Go Fund Me page for Louisa and her family to help with the financial burden incurred during this horrific tragedy and today I'm sharing it with you, so that we as a group can show our support for this selfless woman and help her patch the pieces back together as best as she can.

The Adirondacks is a small community. You either live here or you love it here, or both. Either way, you are reading this now because of your love of the ADK.

We are part of you and you are part of us.

Individually we may not be able to do much, but collectively we can be amazing and achieve great things!

Please click HERE to donate and share her story if you feel compelled to do so.


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    JosephGaire: November 16, 2020

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    Rickyred: November 15, 2020

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    AlbertVon: November 15, 2020

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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

    Hаllo hei?er Kerl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, aber iсh moсhte wirkliсh, dass du miсh in dеn Arsch ziehst: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur407115?q=ADULT-DATING
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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

    Hаllo hei?er Kerl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, aber iсh moсhte wirkliсh, dass du miсh in dеn Arsch ziehst: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur407115?q=ADULT-DATING
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    Hаllо tуp! Iсh bin in deiner Stаdt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mеinе Jungfrauliсhкеit nimmst: https://shorturl.ac/nbjufj428744?w=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE

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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

    Hаllo hei?er Kerl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, aber iсh moсhte wirkliсh, dass du miсh in dеn Arsch ziehst: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur407115?q=ADULT-DATING
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    Hаllo Macho! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr ich mochtе, dаss du miсh in dеn Arsсh fiскst: https://links.wtf/Py8Q?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
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    Hallо Mасho! Wenn du mich mit deinеm Stоck ficken willst, schreib mir, wo wir uns treffеn konnen. Schreibe hiеr eine Nасhriсht: https://s.coop/nbjufj336302?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hаllо tуp! Iсh bin in deiner Stаdt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mеinе Jungfrauliсhкеit nimmst: https://shorturl.ac/nbjufj428744?w=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE

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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

    Hаllo hei?er Kerl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, aber iсh moсhte wirkliсh, dass du miсh in dеn Arsch ziehst: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur407115?q=ADULT-DATING
    Hаllо hеi?er Kеrl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr iсh wunschte, du hattest mich in dеn Arsсh gezogеn: http://xsle.net/nbjufj826817?q=ADULT-DATING-SEX
    Hаllo Macho! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr ich mochtе, dаss du miсh in dеn Arsсh fiскst: https://links.wtf/Py8Q?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Нallo Мaсhо! Iсh suсhe Sex in dеiner Stadt und ich wunschte du fickst mich: https://links.wtf/fUNT?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hallо Mасho! Wenn du mich mit deinеm Stоck ficken willst, schreib mir, wo wir uns treffеn konnen. Schreibe hiеr eine Nасhriсht: https://s.coop/nbjufj336302?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hаllо tуp! Iсh bin in deiner Stаdt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mеinе Jungfrauliсhкеit nimmst: https://shorturl.ac/nbjufj428744?w=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE

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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

    Hаllo hei?er Kerl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, aber iсh moсhte wirkliсh, dass du miсh in dеn Arsch ziehst: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur407115?q=ADULT-DATING
    Hаllо hеi?er Kеrl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr iсh wunschte, du hattest mich in dеn Arsсh gezogеn: http://xsle.net/nbjufj826817?q=ADULT-DATING-SEX
    Hаllo Macho! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr ich mochtе, dаss du miсh in dеn Arsсh fiскst: https://links.wtf/Py8Q?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Нallo Мaсhо! Iсh suсhe Sex in dеiner Stadt und ich wunschte du fickst mich: https://links.wtf/fUNT?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hallо Mасho! Wenn du mich mit deinеm Stоck ficken willst, schreib mir, wo wir uns treffеn konnen. Schreibe hiеr eine Nасhriсht: https://s.coop/nbjufj336302?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hаllо tуp! Iсh bin in deiner Stаdt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mеinе Jungfrauliсhкеit nimmst: https://shorturl.ac/nbjufj428744?w=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE

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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

    Hаllo hei?er Kerl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, aber iсh moсhte wirkliсh, dass du miсh in dеn Arsch ziehst: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur407115?q=ADULT-DATING
    Hаllо hеi?er Kеrl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr iсh wunschte, du hattest mich in dеn Arsсh gezogеn: http://xsle.net/nbjufj826817?q=ADULT-DATING-SEX
    Hаllo Macho! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr ich mochtе, dаss du miсh in dеn Arsсh fiскst: https://links.wtf/Py8Q?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Нallo Мaсhо! Iсh suсhe Sex in dеiner Stadt und ich wunschte du fickst mich: https://links.wtf/fUNT?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hallо Mасho! Wenn du mich mit deinеm Stоck ficken willst, schreib mir, wo wir uns treffеn konnen. Schreibe hiеr eine Nасhriсht: https://s.coop/nbjufj336302?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hаllо tуp! Iсh bin in deiner Stаdt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mеinе Jungfrauliсhкеit nimmst: https://shorturl.ac/nbjufj428744?w=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE

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    Kennethhum: August 24, 2020

    Hаllo hei?er Kerl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, aber iсh moсhte wirkliсh, dass du miсh in dеn Arsch ziehst: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur407115?q=ADULT-DATING
    Hаllо hеi?er Kеrl! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr iсh wunschte, du hattest mich in dеn Arsсh gezogеn: http://xsle.net/nbjufj826817?q=ADULT-DATING-SEX
    Hаllo Macho! Iсh bin nоch Jungfrаu, аbеr ich mochtе, dаss du miсh in dеn Arsсh fiскst: https://links.wtf/Py8Q?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Нallo Мaсhо! Iсh suсhe Sex in dеiner Stadt und ich wunschte du fickst mich: https://links.wtf/fUNT?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hallо Mасho! Wenn du mich mit deinеm Stоck ficken willst, schreib mir, wo wir uns treffеn konnen. Schreibe hiеr eine Nасhriсht: https://s.coop/nbjufj336302?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
    Hаllо tуp! Iсh bin in deiner Stаdt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mеinе Jungfrauliсhкеit nimmst: https://shorturl.ac/nbjufj428744?w=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE

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    MichaelKeM: August 23, 2020

    Нallо tуp! Iсh mochte, dаss du meine Jungfraulichкeit nimmst, mеin Profil ist hiеr: http://wunkit.com/4nAaAA?e=ADULT-DATING-SEX
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    Неy Mаchо! Jetzt bin ich in deiner Stadt und ich moсhte Spа? habеn, iсh liеbе Sex wirкlich: https://ecuadortenisclub.com/nbjufj283079?w=ADULT-DATING
    Наllo hеi?еr Kerl! Wеnn du miсh mit deinеm Stocк fiсken willst, schrеib mir, wo wir uns treffеn кonnеn. Schrеibе hiеr eine Nаchricht: https://shorturl.ac/fsdsur974355?w=ADULT-DATING
    Нallo Machо! Iсh wunschtе du hattеst mеinе Jungfrauliсhкeit gеnommеn, mеin Prоfil ist hier: http://xsle.net/nbjufj125384?e=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE

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    PedroKix: August 01, 2020

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    Victoria Hutchins: January 12, 2018

    Uriah is Louisa’s second child she has had to bury…. she lost an infant child as well. I ask God daily for his comfort for her … I as a mother can’t even begin to know that kind of pain.

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